
Today marks one month since we were plastered and the six month mark since this saga began. Sadly, there has been very little progress in the last month.

Ironically, today also marks the first day the "monetize" function has appeared in my console. This site gets an unbelievable (to me) number of unique hits each day. It really shocks me how much interest this blog has generated over the last few months with no "advertising" or concerted effort to drive viewers. There have seriously been days where La Wiferina and I have looked our web stats in disbelief. These days obviously coincide with time of major progress on the pool.

Now, I haven't researched the Google AdSense program much, but it appears as though this little blog has reached a point where the boss man is interested in placing some ads for my readers to click.

I'm conflicted on this issue, but have decided to give it a go for a short time and see what happens. I'm certainly not looking pay for my pool with earnings from the ads here, but hey, it can't hurt to see if we can supplement it, even just a little bit!

So, thank you to all of you loyal readers who continue to monitor the progress of our pool build. It's been fun having online and offline conversations and learning a lot from different people along the way. Feel free to boycott the links if that's not your thing, or click them if they interest you. It has never been my goal to make money off of this documentation of our build, and I really doubt it would ever amount to anything substantial, but it could be fun to see what happens.

El Duderino


Whitney Senn June 5, 2009 at 11:30 PM  

You seem to be one crazy guy (that's meant in the best way possible). I've read your "pool build" comments and seen your pics along the way - very impressive!

We are in the process of building a pool in Whitehouse, TX and are struggling with whether or not to use Diamond Brite's Midnight Blue. Do you have any updated photos that you could share?

El Duderino June 11, 2009 at 9:37 AM  


Sorry for the long delay. I have some new pics, but unfortunately, they are on a different PC and I am in the UK presently. I will see if La Wiferina can send you some if you want to post a way to contact you.

The dude abides.

About Me

My photo
Austin, TX, United States
I'm the dude, so like, thats what you call me, duder, his dudeness, or el duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. I was, uh, one of the authors of the Port Huron Statement. The original Port Huron Statement. Not the compromised second draft. And then I, uh...Ever hear of the Seattle Seven? That was me...and six other guys. I deal in publishing, entertainment, political advocacy, and...Seriously? Besides living vicariously through Big Lebowski movie quotes, I am currently being raised by two boys, aged 10.5 and 2.5. And please, don't underestimate the importance of those .5's! I have one remaining dog and one wonderful wife. I am down to only one house and one job, so life is good. In addition to pretending to be a satirist blogger, retired/aspiring(?) musician, I am responsible for millions of dollars worth of ones and zeros being sold around this great nation. I am politically conservative, yet not politically correct. I am not looking for new friends, and like to keep my religious views to myself. If you want to know more about me, you have issues and should seek help!