Day Three: "Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes..."

Over the weekend, I read about a few pool build threads on the internet: Part inspiration, part curiosity. I was pretty shocked to see the progress some people make in each passing day. I saw one pool that was excavated in one day and then all the steel and plumbing was completed by day two. Gunite on day three. Not us.

We're approaching our second week. Friday was a day off for the excavator for several reasons. One, I've learned Delton is quite the character and has a lot of other "interests" besides wreaking havoc on unsuspecting people's backyards. Second, while digging, we have encountered a water "issue" and were letting things dry out a bit. For those familiar with the current Austin weather conditions, you know I'm not talking rain. Apparently, they have hit some sort of spring. Not a show stopper by any means, but a slight hiccup in the process.

Over the weekend, we addressed some of the issues we had with the pool design. Mainly, the fact that we felt the actual pool was a little too close to the house. Probably would have been a good idea to determine this prior to excavation beginning, but our pool builder took the news in stride and was out first thing this morning, making the necessary changes. Despite our pool builders working on these changes until close to midnight on a Sunday and showing up first thing this morning to lay them out, we think we'll ultimately be much happier with this revision. Score one for the pool builders! Keep this up and they may get their name in lights on my humble little blog sooner rather than later!

So today, a no-school holiday, began at 7:20am with more jackhammering. This awoke both of our kids and probably most of the neighborhood as well. I guess the plan is to push forward until/unless someone complains. Nothing drastic in the way of progress today, but the excavator did hit a water main in the sprinkler system and after locating the mysterious valve that has been overtaken by 9 years of shrubbery growth, we were fine on that front.

So, here we are after day three. The pool still has a ways to go in terms of digging and the grading for the decking is starting to take place. Of course, we just found out the excavator wasn't made aware of the "new" decking plan, so it will be interesting to see how that pans out, since he already starting removing earth where the "old" plans had decking. Will we get additional decking out of this or will they come up with some other interesting solution? Tune in tomorrow to find out. Until next time...


Kim & Lance October 13, 2008 at 10:22 PM  

Looks like it's going to be a nice pool, el duderino.

About Me

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Austin, TX, United States
I'm the dude, so like, thats what you call me, duder, his dudeness, or el duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. I was, uh, one of the authors of the Port Huron Statement. The original Port Huron Statement. Not the compromised second draft. And then I, uh...Ever hear of the Seattle Seven? That was me...and six other guys. I deal in publishing, entertainment, political advocacy, and...Seriously? Besides living vicariously through Big Lebowski movie quotes, I am currently being raised by two boys, aged 10.5 and 2.5. And please, don't underestimate the importance of those .5's! I have one remaining dog and one wonderful wife. I am down to only one house and one job, so life is good. In addition to pretending to be a satirist blogger, retired/aspiring(?) musician, I am responsible for millions of dollars worth of ones and zeros being sold around this great nation. I am politically conservative, yet not politically correct. I am not looking for new friends, and like to keep my religious views to myself. If you want to know more about me, you have issues and should seek help!