"Been a Long Lonely, Lonely, Lonely, Lonely, Lonely Time"
Sorry, dear loyal blog readers, for the long delay in posts...almost a month! Chalk it up to my lame love of using trite song lyrics for captions or lack of progress. Your choice :-)
Things are moving along. We've had some unpredictable weather of late, so our project has crept along accordingly. After a bit of a "come to Jesus" meeting with our pool builders, things seem to be back on track and moving along at a little more of a clip.
With Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and Lost Tile behind us, things are nearing completion. We're so close we can almost taste it. Of course, the last mile will probably be the longest, with many loose ends to tie up.

These last set of pictures really give me a sense of how this is going to come together. I really like the tile, especially the blue tile! I worked on a large salt water pool project about 2 years ago where we clad the walls in a Lueders Limestone and it has held up great thus far. Look forward to following the remainder of this project.
- Matt
Matt, thanks for the kind words. Our pool builders are firm believers that any natural stone should be sealed, salt or no salt. Once sealed, they should all withstand the salt. I've seen many examples of pools in service for years, all with salt, and all in good shape. Like anything, I think it is always important to keep the chemicals in check or you'll have problems.
This pool is coming togeather very very nicely! The design is great, it appears that you have a multi-tier pool were one overflows into the other... I like it. Will you have limestone in this pool or is it on the decking/surroundings? Are you going to run salt or cholrine.
Tiling that is very tedious; they appear to be doing a great job.
I can't see the picture too well... but are there two drains in that spa?!
Dave, there are two anti-vortex drains in the spa. The stone is Leuders Stone, which is a deeper harder version of limestone. It comes from quaries here in Central TX and is commonly being used to counter some of the historic issues with salt/limestone. We are aware of the risk, and will have it sealed upfront and maintain the sealant as needed. We've seen many pools in service with salt and similar stone without the ill effects you often hear about.
My pool builder no longer returns phone calls. His wife (soon to be ex) told us that he was arrested recently, but I've been unable to confirm this. We aren't out any money as we've only paid for service completed, but it looks like other builders are reluctant to finish the job or even look at it unless he releases us from his contract. What do I do next? How can I find out if he really was arrested or contact him? Is there anyway for me to get a list of his other clients to maybe file suit against him?
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